Job Analysis Methods:

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Job Analysis Methods:
There are multiple methods in Job Analysis,Mostly used Methods are as follows:

The first one is Observation Method.
  A job analysis includes the observation on employee and all record, performances of all previous tasks and targets achieved.
All the various responsibilities and duties assigned to employee and what ways and skills they used to perform all duties or tasks .
Employee's mental or emotional or physical ability to handle all challenges in the tasks is also concern to check and analyse.
This method is quite easiest methods than others.
To analyse of a specific job task is really difficult but methods make to grab and collect knowledge and information easily.

Sometimes it tough to analysis in this method also because everyone has own way of observing things. Every person think differently and assumptions are also different.
This type of error can be ignored by proper training programs on job analysis.Its important to conduct the job analysis process.
There are three techniques used in this method.
Techniques of Observation method are as follows :
Direct observation
Work Methods Analysis
Critical Incident Technique

Direct observation : In this method behavior of an employee in different situations is being recorded.
Work Methods Analysis :
In this behavior study of time and motion is recorded.
Mostly used for factory workers.
Critical Incident Technique:
In this method work behaviors of employees are being identified and resulted as their performances.

Interview Method: 
Interview is a conversation or communication between interviewer and candidates so that relevant information should be collected as per needs.
Process of this method :
Candidates are interviewed and collected information from them about their working procedures, issues and daily difficulties faced by them, information about skills and techniques etc.
This method helps interviewer to get knowledge about employee thinking and their job and responsibilities.
Employee gives his views on job analysis which is helpful to understand job parts more easily.
To get honest and true feedback many questions are asked during the interview . Interview Questionnaire should be decided in manner to get best results as output of interview.
Types of Interview:
Personal Interview, Telephonic Interview,Group Interviews,Written Tests,Skype Interviews Etc.

Questionnaire Method: 
This method is used in job analysis by deciding questionnaires for the candidates  and the the purpose is gathering information from candidates.
A set of question is decided by the expert team according to their job needs.
This method can be done by interviewing the candidate directly face to face and asking all the question from candidate.
Questions can be given in form of written test and candidate has to answer questions in written on the answer sheet.
This method also helps in the collecting the needful and appropriate data and saves time also.
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